Specialist Lessons

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Learning Japanese at Clapham Primary is both a language learning and cultural experience. Students learn Japanese and about Japan through a variety of activities such as:

  • Songs
  • Games
  • Interactive Whiteboard activities
  • Speaking activities (individual and group)
  • Listening activities
  • Written work in the scripts of Hiragana and basic Kanji
  • Exploring Japanese culture i.e. real objects, photos, DVDs, CDs and Internet.

Japanese Club is offered once a week as an extra-curricular lunchtime activity.

Physical Education (PE)

At Clapham Primary we believe that young people who are physically active and readily challenged in an enjoyable and safe sporting environment perform better academically. A Physical Education (PE) Specialist teacher conducts skill sessions with each class, each week. The sessions cater for a full range of abilities and are designed to be inclusive and have all students experience their own personal development. This is achieved through participation in team games and sports; students learning skills to deal with success and failure and to develop the ability to interact within various social environments.

Students access specialist sporting clinics each term which provides a range of experiences to allow the students to test and develop their skills in as many areas as possible.

In the Junior Primary years, the practical component of PE emphasises basic sports skills, physical fitness and teamwork. It also focuses on the development of personal awareness, communication, interpersonal relationships and encourages physically active lifestyles.

All students belong to a Sporting House and each year we welcome all members of the Clapham Primary community to join us for our annual Sports Day.

Participation in SAPSASA carnivals and competitions is encouraged and often recommended to students who show natural ability in any sport SAPSASA offers.

The Arts

All students participate in lessons in Visual Arts, Drama, Dance and Music. Every year at the end of Term 3 we have a whole-school Production with every class presenting an item and senior students taking lead roles in a storyline that links each class act.

Choir is offered to students in Years 3 to 7 once a week as an extra-curricular lunchtime activity.


Science has three interrelated strands: science understanding, science as a human endeavour and science inquiry skills.

Together, the three strands of the science curriculum provide students with understanding, knowledge and skills through which they can develop a scientific view of the world. Students are challenged to explore science, its concepts, nature and uses through clearly described inquiry processes.

At Clapham Primary, we have a dedicated STEM Centre (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) with specialised equipment and access to our outdoor learning area. All classes attend a double Science lesson each week.

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