Clapham Primary has an active Governing Council and being part of its work is very rewarding. The Council, consisting of parents, staff and leadership, work together to improve our school. A large part of the Governing Council’s work is carried out through our Sub-Committees. There are two meetings per term for Governing Council, these are held on Monday evenings.
The role of the Governing Council is to:
- Focus on improving student learning outcomes in collaboration with the Principal or preschool Director and staff.
- Develop a cooperative working relationship between the Governing Council and the Principal or preschool Director and staff.
- Represent the whole school community in understanding local educational needs.
- Set general directions for the preschool or school.
- Monitor and report on achievements.
The different roles of the Governing Council and the Principal should be understood and respected. The Principal has specific educational and organisational leadership responsibilities for which they are accountable to the Minister through the Chief Executive of the Department of Education. Governance and school management should be clearly separated.
The sub-committees are:
- Finance
- Canteen
Working parties (managed by the school):
- Facilities
- Fundraising & Events
- After School Sport
Please find below our 2024 Governing Council Members:
Chairperson – Kirsty Rutherford
Treasurer – Michael Arcobelli
Secretary – Simon Brennan
Principal – Cassie Kopias
General Parent Members:
Dominique Bakonyi
Mark Cunningham
Kema Hord
Georget Reaiche-Miller
Jane Sanders
Kenzie Turley
Staff Representatives
Caleb Cook
If you wish to make contact with our Chairperson regarding Governance issues, please send all correspondence to the following email address:
Please click here to download the 2023 Governing Council Terms of Reference