Young Leaders Program

Students in Year 6 participate in a Student Leadership Program in Terms 3 & 4. The program focuses on the skills, values and attitudes needed for effective student leadership and builds on student understanding and application of the Habits of Mind, Growth Mindset and our School Values.

The Student Leadership Program aims to develop capability and potential in our future student leaders by developing students’ self-awareness and leadership capacity (understanding their own talents, skills, strengths and interests, especially as they relate to their capacity to lead); and, developing each student’s capacity to work collaboratively to bring about social change in both their school and the wider community. Such life-long skills will benefit all students even if they don’t pursue a school leadership position.

Lessons involve hands-on team building activities and require active participation from all students with the aim to increase self-confidence and self-esteem and teach students how to:

  • Identify characteristics of good leaders
  • Differentiate between student participation, effective leadership and popularity
  • Become positive role models for younger students
  • Understand their own and others’ strengths
  • Build interpersonal and communication skills
  • Work with others as members of a team
  • Develop a sense of social responsibility and school pride
  • Inspire, motivate and empower others to act
  • Problem solve and make decisions
  • Set goals and take action in a democratic manner

Students are able to apply for student leadership positions, including School Captains, House Captains, School Council Class Representatives, and Eco-School Leaders. Students will be accepted to these positions according to their capacity to meet agreed criteria.